Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween tricks and treats

We watched the Martha Stewart special on Halloween the other day and had fun copying some of her ideas....It is our tradition that after the trick or treaters return home I have snacks waiting and we watch a scarey movie. This year we made a punch of Ginger Ale and Cran-raspberry juice.(It was really good!) Floating in the punch was a scarey face! (this was ginger ale frozen in a mask and then used, basically as a giant ice cube! The kids loved it! I have to say it
looked much better in real life ! LOL!)
We had several glow in the dark spiders on our bushes outside. The kids made these out of styrofoam balls and glow sticks.

It has been warmer the last few days and the pumpkins were showing their age, but still the kids were proud of and happy with their "creations" and that is what really matters.
My Zombies and Pirates returned home with quite a haul! First thing they did this morning was start trading for favorite treats. It sounded like an auction house around here about 7a.m. !
We had a lot of fun. I hope you did too.


Paula said...

Looks like a fantastic Halloween. That frozen face in the punch is too cool. What a great idea. Go Martha!

Mary said...

Wow! That sounds like a fantastic Halloween. Glad that a good time was had by everyone.