Monday, October 22, 2007

How to spend Sunday when my husband is away

After reading a tutorial on Clarice's web site:

And I finally got around to trying my hand at making these leaves. They were not hard to make, but I think I'm going to make some more and make them smaller. These are supersized! LOL! I may use these for a Thanksgiving banner I am thinking of making. (By the way, the tapestry one is made from material I took off of the seats of the chairs I recovered on Saturday. Say what you want about me; you must admit I'm thrifty! LOL)

The other thing I did yesterday is to pull the carpeting off of the stairs. There are 2 sets, but they are not very long, so you wouldn't think they would be a big deal, but let me tell you. My hands are sore today from pulling out about 10,000 staples and nails!! Never mind! At least I don't have to look at the dirty ugly carpet there any more. (The upstairs hallway is next...just as soon as Joe paints the hallway....the original part of the house has hardwood floors under the carpet. How cool is that??
Between coats of paint (Yes I know it needs another coat). I watched the Vikings fall to the Cowboys. Mr. Jackson needs a little more experience...but did you see that defence?? I believe they score more often then the offence!! LOL
Today is CCD in the afternoon. So the meatloaf is already in the oven and just as soon as I get up from here I am making Chocolate Chip Cookies...then I might spend some time reading in the back's supposed to be 78 degrees today. Iced coffee anyone?? All I do is pour my leftover morning coffee over ice and add my favorite flavor of coffee mate. Try it! it's good!


Mary said...

Sounds like you've found lots to do. This is Monday, so laundry and tidying up is in order. I also have two articles to write today and of course, keep up on my blog.

Take care and have a Magic Monday.

monique said...

What a lovely leaves !
You sure have lots to do.

Take care.

Paula said...

The stairs are gorgeous! Good job, girl. Love the leaves, also. I was actually thinking about making a leaf garland too but have come up with something else I'm going to try instead for the fall swap. Maybe I'll make the leaves for me. Thanks for the inspiration!

Lena said...

One of the first things I did when we bought our house, was to tear out the wall to wall carpeting. My husband came home from work one day to find it all over the front lawn! LOL!
I like your stairs. The wood is really pretty. So are the leaves you made. I keep thinking of making some from Clarice's tutorial too. Oak leaves, with brown paper instead of fabric, on at least one side. We'll see.
I'll look forward to seeing your banner.
Take care.

smilnsigh said...

Cute idea for the fabric leaves.

And lots of accomplishment. :-)

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