Wednesday, November 29, 2006

More gratitudes

A few more things I am grateful for in my life:
126. Lilac bushes
127. books worth re-reading again and again
128. time off
129. knitting...I'm learning how.Someday I'll be really good!
130. herbal medicines
131. Accents. Mine's southern, but I love all kinds!
132. geraniums. I bring mine in for the winter.
133. help. So hard for me to ask for. I hate to be a "bother"
134. People who don't make me feel like I'm a "bother"
135. Candles. So romantic
136. Peppermint. Very useful stuff.
137. People who teach peace.
138. Christmas cookies....I like to decorate them!
139. Rubber stamps. Fun to play with
140. cook books. What fun to find new recipes to try.
141. interesting questions to think about.
142. work to do.

1 comment:

VintagePretty said...

What a lovely post ~ ~I have a long list of all the things I'm grateful for - it's a good way to stay grounded :)

Thanks for your lovely comment *blushes*

Take care