Oh these were tasty.... Enjoy!
CHEESE STICKS1 cup flour2 1/4 tsp. cayenne1/2 tsp paprika1/2 tsp thyme1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp salt1/4 cup butter 2 cups aged cheddar, grated1/4 cup cold waterPreheat oven to 325! F. Combine mustard powder and seasonings withthe flour and mix well. Cut margarine into the flour mixture.Add grated cheese to the flour and mix well. Add the water andknead for a short time until the dough forms a ball. Take onequarter of the dough at a time and roll out very thin (about 1/8inch). Cut into long strips and bake on a greased cookie sheetfor about 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow the stripsto cool for a short time and then break into 4-inch lengths. Putinto a container and allow to sit overnight uncovered.
Book Review: Forbidden Cocktails
53 minutes ago
I usually end up making cheese straws when I make pastry and there's some left afterwards, I just add in some grated cheese and eat them whilst the quiche or pie is cooking (a Very Naughty Habbit!) hehe
These sound very easy to make and good...I'll have to try and bake some.
Good luck with your talk with the school principal and I hope that you get something done about the bully's at school.
I really loved the Christian one liners...I've seen them before, but it's always nice to read them again & again.
Thanks for stopping in to visit my blog and the picture of the puppy and the praying mantis were sent to me in an email, so I don't know what kind of puppy that is...only that it's a cute puppy.
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