The judge was from Bavaria. I learned that the type of herding they do there is different from the small herd stuff they do in this country. It was all very interesting and quiet beautiful.
The highlight of the morning was when the 3rd contestant walked down to the sheep pen, walked around it looking at the sheep. She then walked over to the judge, said something and pointed. I heard the judge say, "Well, that IS why we check them". The judge beckoned the farm owner who walked into the pen and promptly picked up 2 new born lambs!! It was perfect!!
If you are interested in this type of large herd sheep herding, check out this site:
This reminded me of a story Dave tells about his family back in Transylvania... apparently they were sheep herding folk back in the old country--but then again, so was everyone in the village. All the villages sheep were together in one flock. One time his Poppy was telling him a story that involved in the sheep and Dave asked how they knew whose was whose in that big group of sheep and his Poppy said, indignantly, "You know your own sheep!"
It cracks both of us up.
specially because Dave says it in his Poppy's accent.
This is my sort of event!
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