Monday, March 08, 2010

This and That

Lots has been going on the last week or so

Saturday was Gillian's big concert. It was really lovely and I think she was the best flute player in the place!
is really making an effort lately. Yesterday we had temps in the 50s! Woo Hoo! I've seen robins and blue birds! No sign of spring flowers yet, though. But that will come along soon, I hope!

I found these books this week. All of them worth a read, I think!

Family Feasts for $75 week by Mary Ostyn

The Secret Life of Victorian Houses by Elan and Susan Zingman-Leith

From a Victorian Garden by Michael Weishan and Cristina Roig

Two other important happenings this week: No. 1 Jimmy got his driver's permit! Woo Hoo!
No. 2 The chickens started laying finally!!

I started a knitting class at the library. I've been looking forward to it for some time. This is a similar pattern to what we are using: It's supposed to be very easy.....I don't think they were counting on someone with my coordination skills though! LOL

Yesterday I drove out to Himrod to WoodTex. They build "drop on site" buildings and I hope to be getting my mini barn from them in the next month or two. What do you think of this one? Isn't it sweet?

And so it goes. The seedlings in my little green house are getting bigger and there has been a lot of seed shopping and swapping going on around here! I am finishing up pruning the apple trees and wondering when I should be ready to spray them. Sounds like work. And it is! But, Oh! It's work that simply shouts "SPRING!!!" so it is very, very welcome!!

What is happening around your home lately?? I'd love to hear about it!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Love that mini barn! Will be fun when you're actually showing us a picture of the one which will soon be yours!!