Still working on the house. The top photos are of Matt and Jims' room. I wish you could see the true color of the walls. It's called Swiss Chocolate and it's truly luscious! The desks are from Pier 1. They are perfect. Lot's of space to work, but no place to hide garbage!!!!
Ben's room is a gold color. I just love it! There is a smattering of that same color in the curtains. I am tickled how well this room is coming along. It is a bold color choice, but I think it really works here. Now I must find two twin beds. I once saw a photo of an antique French metal bed. I wish I could find a couple like that, but I am sure I will find something just as nice.
I painted the hall upstairs and reserved the wallpaper steamer for the weekend. We also (finally) got Gillian's comforter, so we can match the paint for her room. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but it's going to be so great when we're finished!
So far, very pretty. I like the walls. You are moving right along.
You are really moving along. The rooms are going to look great too. I can't wait to see more and more. Will you share a photo of these rooms with the rest of the furniture in them? The desk is really neat. Is there a need for Matt and Jim not to be able to hide garbage??? LOL!
Hugs ~
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