Friday, February 09, 2007

Letters mingle souls....

As I sat addressing some sweet Valentines to some of my friends this afternoon, the postman delivered my Valentine swap and 2 more cards.
I realized at that moment that I was happier then I have been in a while. There is something so uplifting, so joyful in sending and recieving notes and letters. It just makes me feel good.

I used to write quite a few letters. I like to illustrate my correspondence with my rubber stamps. People seem to enjoy recieving them and I certainly enjoy creating and sending them. I just haven't had (made?) time to write anyone since we moved here.

Until today. Oh, I just wrote a little note in pre-made cards(they were wonderful little old fashioned cards I picked up at Barns and Noble yesterday 25 for only $6 or so), but still it was a pleasant way to spend a snowy afternoon. And maybe today will get me back in the habit again.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I love writing and receiving letters in the mail too, Terri!